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What is a Wastewater Operator?
NC Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission
NC Sub Surface Operator Number #986944
A wastewater operator is hired to maintain a wastewater treatment system and is also known as “Operator-in-Responsible Charge” (or ORC). The wastewater treatment systems that are required to be inspected by a Wastewater Operator are defined under “What are Type IV, V and VI Wastewater Treatment Systems?”
What are all the possible titles for a Wastewater Operator?
Wastewater Inspector, Subsurface Operator, Septic Inspector, Septic Operator and ORC.
What are the responsibilities of a Wastewater Operator (ORC)?
Possess the appropriate certificates, a copy of the system’s operations permit and plans for the facility.
Be responsible for and visit the wastewater system as required by the system’s operations permit.
Properly manage and document operations and maintenance.
Certify monitoring and reporting information.
Live within reasonable proximity of the system.
Under what conditions is the Wastewater Operator required to notify the local health department?
Observance of surface malfunction of sewage at the facility.
Termination of contractual services either by the Owner or the Wastewater Operator.